Monday, September 13, 2010

Here I come Utah... Ready or not!

This is me, out on my own! It's amazing how moving out and being on your own can be so exhilarating and terrifying, all at once... I guess technically I'm not exactly all on my own, thankfully I have my big sis as one of my roommates, to keep an eye on me and keep me "on my toes."
clear skies and sunshine..

Back to moving out though: The first step to moving from Missouri to Utah was the traveling part.
Well I guess even before that, there was the packing part of it, which I so inteligently procrastinated! in the end everything important was packed , so it ended up working out alright, even if my room looked more of a mess than usual!
...but not for long!
With packing done we move on to the traveling part of the journey... (there quite a distance between MO and UT, in case you were unnaware) On Monday, August 23rd 2010, we began our long drive. We, being one of my best friends in the world, Shuan and her mom, Mui lee. I couldn't have asked for better travel companions. When we left their house at 11:34, Missouri time, it was beautiful and sunny. A few hours and states away in Nebraska, it was still beautiful, but pouring down torrents of rain. We stopped for about fifteen minutes to wait for it to let up some, so we could see where we were going.

My thoughts moving out were a mix of exitement and fear. What would it be like living on my own? Paying my own board? Making new friends and acquaintances?

More Pictures From our Adventure

having fun with my camera while we waited out the rain.

even more fun with my camera while we took our 'water break'!

I do love rain! 

Who says best friends have to like the same car 'snacks?'

Sunday, September 12, 2010

I've heard it said that every end is a new beginning, and that was definitely the way things worked with this adventure, I think it stands to be said that friends who can make is half-way across the country, and not want to kill each other, can make it through anything!
We made it all the way, from start to finish!
Man did we pack that civic tightly!
End-of-trip party at tandoori oven!!